Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Magnificent Transformation: What I've learned so far..

Hello again!!

(Again..I act like I haven’t blogged in months..ha!)

How’ve you been? I’ve been great thanks! ..No really I have been! As some of you may or may not know, I’ve been on a “reducing plan” or “lifestyle change” as I like to refer to it as. For the simple folk; a weight loss kick (by kick I mean, in the butt as this is long over-due). I started January 2nd, 2017 and while I didn’t consider myself a resolutioner, a kind stranger at the gym reminder me I was..while telling me I should be proud for keeping up with my promise to myself. But thanks to that creepy stranger, I started thinking how proud I actually am for keeping at it! It has only been a month but my progress has been very positive and keeps me going.

Anyways, the point of this recent blog was not so much to point out that I am indeed making a life change but to tell you 5 main things I’ve learned in just once month of doing this. (I’ve actually learned SO much but these main ones keep me going). Here goes…

1)      Water. Oh my god so much water. Pretty sure people at work think I have a god damn disease form going to the bathroom so much but its so necessary! Whether its revving up the organs in the morning or combating the salt from your cheat meal burger at 5 guys…I cannot get enough!

2)      Tracking. I use “Myfitnesspal” app for the phone and it’s a life saver.  After inputting my height/weight/gender and goals it auto-calculates what my caloric intake should be and provides as a great way to track what I’m eating and makes sure I’m maintaining my goals. (It’s also a GREAT way to stay accountable!)

3)      Gym. I actually really enjoy the gym! People are happiest there and I love taking classes! I enjoy seeing the small changes that have happened so far and what it does to me mentally is so huge! Some days its more therapy than anything.

4)      Food. This is my BIGGEST struggle. But thanks to the age of the internet and Pinterest, I’ve been able to transform my once unhealthy daemons into healthier alternatives. Exampe; spaghetti squash is my new pasta and frozen yogurt bites is my new ice cream!

5)      Support. This is probably the most obviously important one; something I didn’t realize until I received it. Finding someone that is on the same journey as you and has the same struggles with late night chicken mcnuggets is great! Bouncing ideas off each other and being able to voice without judgement is refreshing and getting that “you’re doing so great babe” makes my existence and terminal leg day pain all seem worth it.

In short, this is what I’ve learned and will continue to take with me along this journey. I’m enjoying the little victories and truly take it one pound at a time. I could’ve spent time creating excuses and “I’ll start tomorrow’s” but we all know that never happens; the time will pass anyways. All I did was START and its been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life…

Love, Laura xoxox

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